Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

From our family to yours we'd like to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!
We have so much to be thankful for...our health, our families and friends. We are so blessed to have you all in our lives!

Lydia's surgery went great! We checked in at 7am and were home by 8:30. She never acted like anything ever the time we got home she was her normal silly self. Let's hope this does the trick and she doesn't have to deal with another pesky ear infection.

Matt and I have been house hunting and looked at one yesterday that we both really liked. It's 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, nice big yard, 2 car just what we've been looking for!! Here's the "but", the previous owners trashed it! They obviously smoked in the house, which can be sealed with a special paint. They also trashed the carpet. It's at the very top of our price range so updating, such as hard-wood flooring, new appliances, etc...would have to be put on hold. It's a bank foreclosure so we'd have to make an offer by Sunday because it's up for auction. We'll see!!

Enjoy Thanksgiving and those you are spending it with!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Lydia will be having tubes put in her ears on monday. She has had probably 10 ear infections, and has had allergic reactions to pretty much every antibiotic they have put her on. They discovered that her right ear drum is retracted and her hearing is slightly impaired, which they say should be fixed with the tubes. We'll let you know how it all goes!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Just an update

To say that Lydia is thriving would be an understatement. She is unbelievable! I thought I would let you all in on some of her milestones.
her vocabulary grows on a daily basis.
luv ya
oh man
no way
thank you
night night
bye bye
tickle tickle tickle
and the list goes one....
Her motor skills are incredible. She is always trying to take things apart and put them back together again. She has figured out how to get on the furniture now so I'm not sure how we will deal with that situation...she's trying to crawl from the couch across the end table to daddy's chair!! Lydia has a flair for the dramatics and is quick to throw herself on the floor with a fake cry, it's actually quite hilarious! She's doing somersaults(sp?!)now too and loves doing what looks like the "downward dog" yoga position and putting her arms out to the sides and saying "TA-DA" if to say look mom no hands!! She has a contagious laugh and a twinkle in her eye. If you tell her to do the "monkey dance" she does this dance where she bounces up and down and giggles then she spins around and falls on the floor! We've also been working on sounds with her...she says a cow says "moo", a dog says "woof", a cat says "meow", a duck says "quack quack" a horse says "neigh" and a bear says "rawr". Whenever she sees a baby in a book she says baby and then she says "awe" and kisses it, it's so sweet.

In short, Lydia is the biggest blessing to Matt and I. We cherish ever second with her. We never knew a love like this existed until we had her. Thank you all for taking the time to read out blog and keep up on our little families happenings!