Sunday, June 17, 2007

35 weeks

Your Baby
She's nearly there! Most 35-week babies weigh 5 pounds or more and rarely experience major complications if born before they officially come to term. You may feel a tingling or numbness in your pelvic region as the extra weight presses on your nerves, as well as increased movement in your upper rib cage where her feet have come to rest in preparation for the head-down journey into the world. Three to four percent of full-term babies never adopt this position, but remain breech (with their heads facing up). If your baby is part of this stubborn minority, you may be at greater risk for a cesarean section. To prevent this, your caregiver may attempt to turn her from the outside using a process called "external version." She'll also do a sonogram to determine the baby's exact position before deciding whether to attempt a vaginal birth.

I still haven't heard anything about my ultrasound. I had to go back this friday and do it again because they erased the results before it was read. I ended up spending a few hours in the hospital that night as well. I hadn't really felt good all day and my lower back was hurting and I felt really crampy. Throughout the day the cramps got a little more painful and were coming and going. So to the birth center I went and sure enough, I was having contractions! First they were 12 minutes apart, then 6 minutes, then 4...all the while the woman in the room next to me was screaming like she was being murdered!! It was not a pleasant sound! I told my mom we could just go...that girl was freaking me out! The nurse was watching the screen as I was having what I considered to be a painful contraction and she says "can you feel that?" "that's a small one". Dear Lord!! That was a small one!! I must be a huge wimp, cause on my pain scale that was like a 6 or 7!!! Anyway, after a few hours the contractions just kind of stopped...they said I was probably dehydrated and I needed to drink more water and get more rest. They also did a test on me that can predict if you're going to go into labor in the next 1-2 weeks and it came back hopefully I have at least 2 weeks left and everyone will be back from their vacations.

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