Thursday, July 12, 2007

39 weeks

Your Baby
She's reached her birth weight (typically between 6 and 9 pounds) and length (18 to 22 inches), and all systems are go! Since only about 5 percent of women give birth on their due date, baby could be making her appearance at any moment. Labor may begin in several ways: mild cramps (the most common scenario), a painless trickle of straw-colored fluid caused by the rupture of the amniotic sac, or a scheduled induction or cesarean section.
If your delivery is scheduled, you'll check into the hospital and either be prepped for a c-section or given prostaglandin gel (to soften the cervix) followed by oxytocin through an intravenous drip. If you're waiting to go into labor naturally and your water has broken or your cramps are growing steadily more painful, call your doctor or midwife for instructions. She'll probably tell you to wait until the contractions are five to eight minutes apart before heading in to the hospital or birthing center. This can take many hours, especially for a first birth, so try to get some sleep, take a walk, or watch a movie--even anything that relaxes and energizes you. Think of yourself as a runner on the eve of her first marathon--a little scared, but even more excited!

I am so ready for her to arrive! Seems as though the membrane stripping didn't work, but my doctor said he could do it again at my next appointment on tuesday. This weather hasn't been fun for me...I'm thankful for Matt's air conditioning!! Now I need to make it through the weekend without going into labor. Addy's 1st birthday is saturday and I plan on being there!

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