Things are good in our neck of the woods. Matt had a milestone birthday and turned 30 on Monday. We had a big party for him on Sunday. There was a great turn out and we enjoyed a BBQ dinner and birthday cake!
Matt is going on week 2 working at his new job. It's been so awesome to have him working "normal" hours. We never realized what we were missing with him working nights. He seems to be enjoying the job and has been learning a lot. He has to go to Minnesota next month for 2 weeks for training...we're really going to miss him!
Lydia is becoming so expressive...with her facial expressions to the things she says. She said a swear word the other day, making us realize we really need to watch what we say...she's beginning to be like a little parrot! Big oops! She puts her pointer finger up to her mouth and says "hmmm". She is also counting in English and Spanish. Sometimes she mixes them together but still counts in order, like this..."uno, dos, cinco(still leaving out 3 & 4), six, seven, ocho, nine, ten"! She's so smart!