Monday, February 16, 2009

Childrens museum 2 days in a row!

Lydia got to go to the Children's Museum 2 days in a row this week! Matt and I took her on sunday and she had so much fun! She played for close to 2 hours. She drew a picture, Daddy made her a necklace, she looked at the turtles...she loves this thing that blows air and you put a whiffle ball over it and itholds it in the air. She kept going back to that one! She also really loves the music room!

watching the turtles
loving the music room

drawing a picture
Daddy making Lydia a necklace

playing in the sandbox

Aunt Angela had today off so we went again with her and cousin Addy. The girls had a lot of fun playing in the Sickelsteel Crane...
Lydia loves playing in the huge rice bin! It's this clear plastic container fitted on a table and it's filled with rice. It's got bowls and spoons and measuring cups. Lydia played with that for the majority of the time.

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