Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How time flies

I've been thinking alot lately about how much Lydia has changed in the last year and I've been wanting to blog about my feelings but I just haven't gotten around to it. Yesterday I looked at my friend Megan's family blog and she always does such a great job writing about her memories and here I am, INSPIRED!
Lydia is a JOY...plain and simple. She has the gift of gab, which apparently she got from me(I don't know where anyone got that idea! lol). She has so many wonderful personality traits...for example, awesome comedic timing(Matt & I are both goof balls so Lydia is destined to be a class clown!). She has a great throwing arm, especially when it comes to her cup, or softball in her future?! She is a master at unfolding freshly folded laundry(it's really a fun game!). Her laugh brings tears to my eyes, her smile melts my heart. I love the way she says "we're home" when we pull in to our parking spot. She hugs herself when she says "please". She greets me in 3 languages(English, Spanish and Chinese)...that's right, we've got a genius on our hands!! She calls stars "twinkle". Her glow worm is known as "friend", and she has to have it to sleep. When she wakes up in the night she pushes friend to make it sing and it soothes her back to sleep. I love how she plays coy with people, like we really believe she's shy & reserved! The girl loves her Daddy! Lydia is becoming a little bookworm(she comes by it naturally), and I love it when she grabs and book and says "read it". When someone knocks on the door she says "come in"! Whenever I ask her where someone is...she either says "on an airplane" or "out the window". She LOVES running!

This time last year is when she started Joel & Angela's house on Easter to be exact.
this year on Easter and last year...WOW!

I love when she meets new people how she clings to me and says "mommy", as if she's introducing me! She enjoys listing her family member too, and sometimes in the morning when she wakes up I can hear her over the monitor and it sounds like this "Mamo, Papa, Nanny, Papa, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle, Ang, Addy, Maya, Uncle, Heder(heather), Teetan(Keegan)"...then she finishes off by yelling "MOMMY, DADDY!!!". She is stubborn...Matt says she comes by it naturally, "who me?!".

This weekend is our 1 year anniversary...CRAZY how fast that year went! There are no words to express how happy Matt makes me and how much he & Lydia complete my life! Matt has the ability to make me laugh on a daily basis. He has shown me how love is supposed to feel. They have both taught me patience and understanding.

I am beyond blessed with an amazing family and fantastic friends! Here's to another great year!

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